
Insider Watch Challenge - Turning things around with my Ford Pop Hot Rod

July 25, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Challenges are part of life’s journey, it’s time to turn things around.

This is my 1959 Ford Popular, which we call Pop Daddy. I say we, as it’s a member of the family. I bought it in 1997, spent five years rebuilding it and transforming it into the Hot Rod I always wanted. My wife and two young daughters would enjoy days out, and wonder why everyone was looking at them and smiling. It’s the car I never want to sell.

Ford Pop Hot Rod Life is full of challenges and struggles , this is my story on how I turned things around on my 1959 Ford Popular which was sitting neglected in my garage.

Ford PopRestoration Social Media Reel -

In October 2019, I had a few issues with the starter motor which I needed to resolve and the car was crying out for a bit of love and attention, so I got to work. Then the Pandemic arrived and I couldn’t justify spending my savings on a car that was more of a toy than a practical form of transport, and sadly it sat in my garage and was neglected. The longer it sat there, the more I lost my enthusiasm and hope that it would ever be back on the road.

In 2023, my friend and Hot Rod builder Dave Haskell, who painted the Pop, sadly and unexpectedly passed away. I wanted nothing more than to do my best to restore the paint to its former glory, freshen up the car, tackle all the little jobs that needed attention and make Dave, my family, and me, proud again.

Photo of a red 1934 Ford Coupe Hot RodDave Haskell's 1934 Ford Coupe

By now, almost 4 years had gone by since the car had been driven, and I was hopeful that 2024 would be its comeback year. I was inspired by the TV Show Iron Resurrection, not just by their craftsmanship, but by their commoradarey, I through myself head first into doing the best job I could with the funds I had available. 

With the help of my friend Phil, we managed to start the car for the first time in two years. I then pulled the starter out again, had that rebuilt and bought a Heat Shield, and Exhaust Wraps to help with the starter motor overheating problem. I then degreased, cleaned and started tackling the paint problems. I must thank Autobrite Direct who kindly supported me and gifted me products to clean and restore the paint. Regular followers know I have used their products on my Motorcycle, and I had every confidence they would do a good job. Well, that’s the understatement of the century. I spent 18 hours over a weekend cleaning and restoring the paint, using AutoBrite Direct Products and just take a look at the transformation. Do I really need to say anymore?

Black Historic car surrounded by other Hot RodsDave's Big Day Out 2024The year after Dave Haskell sadly passed away a few of his Hot Rod friends met up to remember him and I was able to take my Ford Pop.

It’s scrubbed up rather well wouldn’t you agree? I am so pleased with how it’s looking once again. I’m pretty certain my friend Dave Haskell would be chuffed too. I actually found it very emotional thinking of Dave and our many conversations as I tackled the paint, but thanks to his inspiration, and the help of my friends Phil, Dave and Neil, and, of course, my family, we turned things around and I couldn’t be any happier to be popping around in our ‘happymobile’ once again!

Man standing behind black ford popular doing victory V signPhil Jones Ford Pop1959 Ford Pop Hot Rod - Pop Daddy.

Here are a few take aways:

Don’t give up on your dreams.

Be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day and you can’t have everything in one go.

Do the best you can and set your goals high. You might not be a professional but these days you can learn from YouTube and ask others for their help and advice. I will have YouTube video on the restoration coming soon which I hope will inspire someone!

Don’t worry if you haven’t got all the money you need at the start of the project, create a To-do list and slowly work your way through it buying parts as you go on.

Have fun and remember the good times you once had and the new memories you are going to make.


Dave's Big Day Out 2023




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