
Insider Watch Challenge - Social Media Challenges

July 18, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Challenges are part of life’s journey, it’s time to turn things around and flip the script on Social Media

A woman with long blonde hair wearing a red top and her wristwatch on the inside her wristInsider Watch ChallengeWear It Flip It Share It. Portait of a woman wearing her wristwatch inside her wrist.

Have you ever taken a photo, created a reel, or a video, and thought to yourself, this is awesome, I can’t wait to share this on social media, and then you post it, and it flops? You get a handful of likes and maybe a couple of comments if you are lucky. Well that’s happened to me so many times, but don’t be discouraged, the thing to remember is that social media isn’t the real world. What you created and how you feel about your art is what really matters.

Lady practicing stretching near River Thames wearing Garmin watch inside her wristGarmin Fitness Insider Watch ChallengeLady practising stretching near River Thames wearing Garmin watch inside her wrist

I enjoy the social side of connecting with someone on a photoshoot, and I usually have an amazing time with them. I love trying to ‘find the shot’ which includes, finding an interesting location and background, while making the light work for me. Building a rapport with that person and helping them feel relaxed is also rewarding. These are just a few elements during a shoot which light me up. Then I have the post production stage, converting my images, retouching, cropping, and finally writing my captions and expressing my thoughts.

A woman sitting at a table, with a drink, motorcycle in background and crash helmet on table. She is wearing her watch inside her wrist.Insider Watch Challenge Honda Dax MotorcycleStorm Stewart with her Honda Dax motorcycle, wearing her watch Inside her wrist for the Insider Watch Challenge

Runner with dog on a grass hillTell your story - Insider Watch ChallengeBlonde lady wearing running gear and apple watch inside her wrist for Insider Watch Challenge  

It’s only after my shots are finished and I post them on socials that I often feel deflated, not every time, but more times than I would like. Why isn’t it getting likes? Why aren’t followers and friends engaging? Why is someone else’s post getting thousands of likes? Well who knows! The problem is, we care about what we do and we care about what other people think, and we hope to be rewarded for our efforts by a click of a button and maybe a word of encouragement, support, or even praise.

Photograph of a young woman holding pencil and wearing watch inside her wristEmma Jane Artistry - Insider Watch ChallengeEmma Jane Artistry sitting at drawing board showing her wrist watch worn Inside the wrist - Flip It Wear It Share It. Young woman sitting at drawing board drawing a life like image of a dog. She's wearing her watch inside her wrist.Emma Jane ArtistryEmma Jane Artistry - Crreating realism illustration wearing her watch Inside her wrist

My motto has always been, Do what you love, and love what you do! It’s as simple as that. Learning not to be disappointed is another challenge, something I’m still working on!


Here’s a few tips and reminders to myself which may help you too:

Remember what an awesome time you had during the photoshoot.

Relive the conversations you had and the new memories you made.

Celebrate your excitement of creating the shots.


Do what you love, and love what you do. The likes are just a bonus.

Woman looking at her white Garmin watch which is worn on the inside of her wristGarmin Watch worn Inside the WristGarmin Watch is worn Inside the Wrist - Wear It. Flip It. Share It.


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