
A Decade in Review: 2017

November 08, 2020  •  1 Comment

As I started preparing this blog I had forgotten what a busy year 2017 was with commercial work and model test shoots. I invested in new camera equipment as well as concentrated on improving my photography skills in the studio and on location. 'A Decade in Review' is where I look back at my favourite photoshoots and images and in this blog I revisit 2017.


A Decade in Review 2017A Decade in Review 2017A Decade in Review 2017





A New Year and New Photography Equipment

As a full-time photographer, it is obviously important to make money, I find I’m in a much better mood when I’m paying the mortgage and have food in the fridge but joking aside, apart from filling my diary with bookings for commercial work, it is also important to practise with new equipment and photography techniques in your own time. Although some clients are happy for you to experiment on set and be creative you really don’t want to turn up on a paid shoot and have no idea how your photography equipment works.


One of the first investments I made in photography was a set of Bowen’s Esprit 500 studio strobes which have proved to be an incredibly reliable studio flash and they still come in handy today, but after using them for many years I wanted to invest in a new bit of kit and in November 2016 I purchased a Profoto B2 Location Kit as my go-to lighting. 


The majority of my work was now on location, away from my studio, and this kit was not only a lot lighter for me to carry around, but it also had collapsable light modifiers which were easier to transport and it used a rechargeable battery so the entire kit would not rely on mains power giving me the option to use it in any situation.


Profoto B2 Location Kit Test with Lucy Scarfe

Although I used the B2 kit on a straight forward commercial project in the December, I hadn’t had the opportunity to test all the various light modifiers such as a softbox, beauty dish, umbrella, and grid, so when actor and social media influencer Lucy Scarfe got in touch to see if I would be interested in shooting with her, I jumped at the chance.  Below are a few of my favourite retouched images from the shoot , I also have another blog and a full review of the B2 Location Kit and Light Modifiers, click here to read.


Fossil Boyfriend WatchFossil Boyfriend WatchFossil Style - Fossil Boyfriend Watch shoot with Lucy Scarfe


Profoto OctoboxProfoto OctoboxProfoto 2' OCF Octabox only

  Behind the scenes photoshoot with actor Lucy Scarfe. Profoto B2 Location Kit with Umbrella Deep,Behind the scenes photoshoot with actor Lucy Scarfe.Behind the scenes photoshoot with actor Lucy Scarfe. Profoto B2 Location Kit with Umbrella Deep,


Using Profoto LightingUsing Profoto LightingRetouched image using Profoto B2 250TTL, Light modifiers Umbrella deep silver small and diffuser with 10 degree OCF grid for hair light


Vintage Levi's T ShirtVintage Levi's T ShirtLucy Scarfe wearing Vintage Levi's T Shirt. Lit with Profoto B2



Lifestyle Photography with Emma Frisk

A couple of weeks later I met with Emma Frisk and this time I was keen to experiment with the lights in a home environment for my lifestyle and stock photography images and to also take the lights outdoors to see what results I would get.


Lifestyle Photography Lifestyle Photography Lifestyle Photography using Canon 5D Mark III and Profoto B2 lighting


Creative Lifestyle PhotographyCreative Lifestyle PhotographyCreative Lifestyle Photography. Home comfort photoshoot with model and Actor Emma Frisk


Business style photoshootBusiness style photoshootBusiness style photoshoot

Above: We also took the opportunity for me to experiment with creating business style images which are typical of the style of content I create for many businesses in Essex and London where I predominantly work.



Actors Headshots with Grace Parry


If you have read my Decade in Review 2016 you would have seen my last shoot of the year was with actor Grace Parry where we had absolutely stunning light, we both hoped to shoot again in the new year and Grace was in need of a new headshot and images for social, so again it was another opportunity to try different things with my lights and create more content for Instagram for us both.


Actors HeadshotActors HeadshotExperimenting with lighting for an Actors Headshot with Profoto lighting    Test actors headshotTest actors headshotGrace Parry Headshot (Photo by Phil Jones Photography)

Above: Experimenting with lighting to create different moods for an actor's headshot.

Testing Profoto lighting on a photoshoot with Grace ParryTesting Profoto lighting on a photoshoot with Grace ParryTesting Profoto lighting on a photoshoot with Grace Parry

Above: We created a lovely set of images for Grace in this style. Photoshop retouching on this set was by me. More about retouching later.


PJ171680-Edit lo resPJ171680-Edit lo res




Sian Altman - One photoshoot which led to an awesome friendship.


If you have seen my 2016 blog then you will know that I had pitched a concept to Andrea Vasiliou about a female assassin and I had already had been given permission to shoot on a private location and I was planning on visiting again soon to grab a few shots to help plan our big shoot. Sometimes, life can be kismet. The morning of our shoot I was visiting my client who owned that location and in conversation, I mentioned I was meeting that afternoon with an actor for a studio photoshoot. They knew I was keen to create some pre-vis material and gave permission for me Sian to shoot there that afternoon if we wanted to. Of course I wanted to!  So that afternoon I collected Sian from the station and we discussed shoot ideas. The final plan was to spend a couple of hours shooting in my home studio and then go shoot on location. It soon becomes apparent to me that Sian would fit the role as an undercover agent, like the characters Dana Scully from X-Files or Emily Prentis of Criminal Minds. With this in mind, we first shot a set of character profile images in my studio, see below.


Actor Sian Altman on a studio test photoshoot.Actor Sian AltmanActor Sian Altman on a studio test photoshoot.


Lifestyle photography imagesLifestyle photography imagesLifestyle photography images with actor and model Sian Altman


After then quickly shooting a small selection of lifestyle and other mages for social media, we made our way to a private car park to test a few ideas and the Profoto B2 lights. On a shoot of this genre, I would normally plan in advance and suggest ideas before the day, but it soon becomes apparent that Sian and I were getting on like a house on fire and as far as I was concerned the initial test images were looking awesome, so instead of rushing a handful of shots we decided to stay longer and create a variety of test images which I could go take away and develop another story idea I had whizzing around somewhere in my head! That idea soon became known as Protection Command and I can’t wait to take it to the next level soon.



Protection Command Police Drama with Sian AltmanProtection Command Police DramaProtection Command Police Drama with Sian Altman


Captive heroine in Police DramaCaptive heroine in Police DramaCaptive heroine in Police Drama with Sian Altman


Captive heroine in Police DramaCaptive heroine in Police DramaCaptive heroine in Police Drama


Mixing ambient and Profoto lightingMixing ambient and Profoto lightingMixing ambient and Profoto lighting. Protection Command with actor Sian Altman


Protection Command teaser posterProtection Command teaser posterProtection Command teaser poster


I can’t think of a shoot where I didn’t actually get on with the model, obviously, you gel better with some than others. What I didn’t expect from working with Sian was to gain a friend who is so supportive, encouraging, and fabulous company.


As you can below we didn’t leave it too long before we met up again that year, to discuss and create a few more images for Protection Command as well as create more lifestyle images for our social media.


Sian Altman tied up for Protection Command Police DramaAll tied upSian Altman tied up for Protection Command Police Drama

Covert Police officer for Police drama Covert Police officer for Police drama Covert Police officer for Police drama



Ethereal photography shot on locationEthereal photographyEthereal photography shot on location   Fairytale style photoshoot shot on locationFairytale style photoshootFairytale style photoshoot shot on location

Candid photography with actor and model Sian AltmanCandid photography with Sian AltmanCandid photography with actor and model Sian Altman   Candid photography with actor and model Sian AltmanCandid photography with actor and model Sian AltmanCandid photography with actor and model Sian Altman



Sian Altman wearing New Look watch inside wrist New Look watch Sian Altman wearing New Look watch inside wrist

Above: Another set of images to reach out to the brand, New Look. It always helps when the model shops at the brand you are reaching out to! 


Below: This is not the most technical image I've ever taken but is certainly amongst my all-time favourites. For me, it just captures Sian and Mummy Altman also approves, so that's always a good thing!

Relaxed lifestyle summer photography with actor Sian Altman, lit by Profoto B2 Location KitRelaxed lifestyle summer photographyRelaxed lifestyle summer photography with actor Sian Altman, lit by Profoto B2 Location Kit


Below: I seem to remember it had been a long and blustery day but as the sun started to drop it didn't stop Sian! As well as doing photography professionally, it's also nice if like-minded people can enjoy spending time together, doing what they both love, creating images and supporting each other. I'd highly recommend it if you are fortunate enough to make that friendship as I have been.

Whimsical style photo of young woman standing in waterWhimsical style photoWhimsical style photo of young woman standing in water




Beauty Photography


Let's jump back to February and the day after shooting with Sian, my other very good friend Grace Gray and I had planned to shoot Beauty in my home studio which is something I was also keen to improve my skills on. As well as working as a model, Grace is also very well known in the industry as a makeup artist too and recruited the help of a couple of her friends to model for us.  A big thanks to Natasha Eatsdale and Shupikai for all their help. It’s always nice when there’s no rush and you can spend the day getting to know each other and testing new ideas.


Below: Macro photography of Natasha Estdale using Illamaqua products.

Beauty Photography. Close up of Natasha Estdale, makeup by Grace GrayBeauty PhotographyBeauty Photography. Close up of Natasha Estdale, makeup by Grace Gray

Beauty Photography. Close up of sparkling lips, makeup by Grace GrayBeauty Photography. Close up of sparkling lips, makeup by Grace GrayBeauty Photography. Close up of sparkling lips, makeup by Grace Gray

Beauty Photography. Close up of sparkling lips and gold foil, makeup by Grace GrayBeauty Photography. Beauty Photography. Close up of sparkling lips and gold foil, makeup by Grace Gray


As I said earlier, it is so important to test with models and makeup artists to develop new ideas and experiment with camera and lighting settings and techniques. This shoot was a turning point for my confidence in shooting beauty and I've since worked on paid commercial beauty shoots.


Behind the scenes beauty shoot with model Natasha Estdale, makeup by Grace GrayBehind the scenes beauty shoot with model Natasha EstdaleBehind the scenes beauty shoot with model Natasha Estdale, makeup by Grace Gray

Above: Behind the scenes image with Natasha Estdale showing the lighting set-up. Camera settings for the close-up eye shot are:

Canon 5D Mark III, Sigma 150mm Lens, ISO 100, Shutter Speed 1/160 at f18


Although I do a lot of my own retouching we were also keen to get the help of a high-end professional retoucher and commissioned the help of Anna Rovkina. Below are my favourite final retouched images.


Below: Behind The Scenes Video


Time to update my camera - Canon 5D MKIV


This was looking to be an amazing year for developing my style of photography, and as well organising more tests than I usually would, my commercial and corporate photography was also going very well so I decided to update my camera and purchase the Canon 5D MK IV. I had used the 5D Mk III since 2014 and still had the 5D Mark I classic in my kit. I put a request out on social media that I was looking for a model to test and Lucy Allen kindly offered to help out over a couple of evenings.


Below are a small selection of finished images from the shoot.


Canon 5D Mark IV model Photography during a beautiful summer sunsetCanon 5D Mark IV model PhotographyCanon 5D Mark IV model Photography during a beautiful summer sunset

model studio test photoshoot with Lucy Allenmodel studio test photoshoot with Lucy Allenmodel studio test photoshoot with Lucy Allen

Model Lucy wearing New Look "Lucy" watch inside her wrist.New Look watchModel Lucy wearing New Look "Lucy" watch inside her wrist.

Brand colour coordinated image. Manfrotto Be Free Live Tripod and Canon 5D Mark IVBrand colour coordinated imageBrand colour coordinated image. Manfrotto Be Free Live Tripod and Canon 5D Mark IV with model Lucy

Here’s my video of Canon 5D Mark IV - First Model Shoot with Lucy



Reaching out to a Brand


A week later I met up with model Beth Smith at sunny Southend-on-Sea. We had recently worked together on another client project and I was as keen as always to reach out to a Brand. These days it’s so much easier to reach out to Brands through platforms such as Instagram, and because of my style of photography and signature look (Click Here), I’ve been trying my hardest to get my images in front of New Look especially concentrating on clothing and watches and accessories and wanted to create as many images as possible with a variety of models throughout the year.


Beth is such an awesome person too and I just wanted to add a little shout out for her too. You may have seen her working with Gavin Hoey at Photography Live or one of Gavin's Photography videos, if you haven't make sure you go check them out.



Model Beth Smith wearing New Look clothing and watchModel Beth Smith wearing New LookModel Beth Smith wearing New Look clothing and watch


Model Beth Smith wearing New Look clothing and watchModel Beth Smith wearing New Look clothing and watchModel Beth Smith wearing New Look clothing and watch


Advertising image with model Beth Smith handcuffed and wearing watch inside her wristAdvertising image with watch worn inside wristAdvertising image with model Beth Smith handcuffed and wearing watch inside her wrist


Models often ask me to help fill a hole in their portfolio by producing commercial images and it’s easy to use clothing and non branded watches to create a timeless look, excuse the pun. It appears that model agencies also love the look too and you'll often see my test shoot images on a model agency profile.



ANDIE - Action 


Andrea Vasiliou action adventure photographyAndrea Vasiliou action adventure photographyAndrea Vasiliou action adventure photography


Following my test shoot with Sian in February, I spent the next few months planning and developing my female assassin concept ANDIE with actor and model Andrea Vasiliou. This included securing access to the site where we were filming and shooting, informing the Police of our shoot, organising and renting props which also included a Ford Mustang, a Ford 150 Pickup truck and Suzuki GSR 750 and In Sept 2017 the shoot went ahead.


Female action hero on motorcycle aiming hand gunFemale action hero on motorcycleFemale action hero on motorcycle aiming hand gun


female action hero with Ford Mustangfemale action hero with Ford MustangAndrea Vasiliou female action hero with Ford Mustang


We had such an awesome time, as always it was a packed day but I was so pleased with the results. Again it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the help of Grace Gray, Anouska Watts, Phil Walker, Andrea Vasiliou, and everyone else who was involved.


To find out a lot more about this awesome shoot, see behind the scenes images, and to save me repeating myself please visit this blog

Actor Andrea Vasiliou holding hand gun on action adventure ANDIE. Photography by Phil JonesActor Andrea VasiliouActor Andrea Vasiliou holding hand gun on action adventure ANDIE. Photography by Phil Jones

ANDIE - Actor Andrea Vasiliou on action adventure drama photoshootANDIE - Actor Andrea Vasiliou on action adventure drama photoshootANDIE - Actor Andrea Vasiliou on action adventure drama photoshoot


ANDIE - Actor Andrea Vasiliou full on action-adventure drama photoshoot.ANDIE - Actor Andrea Vasiliou full on action-adventure drama photoshoot.ANDIE - Actor Andrea Vasiliou full on action-adventure drama photoshoot.

Above: Thanks to Phil Walker for the use of his F150 Ford Pickup Truck and driving skills. This is a great link to my next shoot which features Phil's daughters.



Fashion and Brand Photography with Ella and Evie


Essex based Fashion Photographer with Ella and Evie WalkerFashion PhotographyEssex based Fashion Photographer with Ella and Evie Walker


Photoshoot for Essex based fashion boutique Photoshoot for Essex based fashion boutique Photoshoot for Essex based fashion boutique


Photoshoot for Essex based fashion boutique  Splendid Posh with model Ella WalkerModel Ella WalkerPhotoshoot for Essex based fashion boutique Splendid Posh with model Ella Walker

Natural light fashion photographyNatural light fashion photographyPhotoshoot for Essex based fashion boutique Splendid Posh with model Evie Walker


Early in October, I worked with my good friends Ella and Evie Walker on a fashion shoot (images above) for a client and we decided to meet again for a shoot in my home studio to help update their portfolio, experiment with a lighting idea, and create more images for social media. I’m actually very good friends with the girl's mum and dad and keep reminding Ella that I discovered her before anyone else and had the pleasure of working with her on her first-ever shoot. Since then Ella has gone on to work on Commercials, Film and with the world’s biggest brand names and celebrities such as Lewis Hamilton, Tommy Hilfiger, Adobe and many more. I’m sure it won’t be much longer before her younger sister Evie follows in her footsteps.


Below: In this shoot, I created a hand-painted background and mixed the Profoto B2 lights with Christmas lights in the background.


Model Ella Walker wearing New Look wrist watch inside her her wristModel Ella Walker wearing New LookModel Ella Walker wearing New Look watch and clothing Young star model Evie Walker wearing New Look watch and clothingYoung star model Evie WalkerYoung star model Evie Walker wearing New Look watch and clothing

Model Ella Walker wearing New Look watch and clothingPhotography in home studioModel Ella Walker wearing New Look watch and clothing

Yound model Ella Walker wearing New Look grey watch inside her wrist. Shot in home studio using Profoto B2 Location KitNew Look Watch test photoshootYound model Ella Walker wearing New Look grey watch inside her wrist. Shot in home studio using Profoto B2 Location Kit


Below: Screengrab from W Model Management showcasing my images of Ella. In my experience model agencies love this style of commercial image.

WModel Management website Ella WalkerWModel Management website Ella WalkerWModel Management website Ella Walker, Photography by Phil Jones Photography


Below: Unedited Raw file of Evie.

Unedited file of young modelUnedited file of young modelUnedited file of young model



Geisha, Shibari and the Canon 85mm 1.2 L Lens


I had always wanted to add a Canon’s 85mm f1.2 L Lens to my kit and at the end of October after years of waiting, I was the proud owner of a new lens. Of course, I couldn't wait to put this lens through its paces and organised a shoot and the help of Makeup artist Clare Bradshaw, Hairstylist Tara Johnston, models Rebecca White and Lucy Allen and assistant Anouska Watts.


For many years I have wanted to create creative Geisha inspired images. I was also building a reputation for creating Damsel in Distress images and wanted to develop the rope inspired theme and learn more about the art Shibari. In May 2017 I was asked to give photo tuition to a Shibari artist and asked Grace Gray to apply the makeup and give me some assistance.


Below: Grace Gray on set with Anna putting the creative touches to the Shibari rope tie.

Behind the scenes Shibari photoshoot, Grace Gray adding the finishing touches to the rope tie on AnnaShibari photoshootBehind the scenes Shibari photoshoot, Grace Gray adding the finishing touches to the rope tie on Anna

Below: Shot on location in a home environment  

Shibari photoshoot with artist Anna. Blindfolded and ties in styleShibari PhotoshootShibari photoshoot with artist Anna. Blindfolded and ties in style

As well as offering photography tuition, I also shot behind the scenes video which you can see here.


The Art of Shibari Part One


The Art of Shibari Part Two


Back to my shoot with Lucy and Rebecca, as well as agreeing to partake in the creative shoot, I also created a set of headshot, hair and advertising style images. A shoot like this is definitely teamwork, I wouldn't get the same results if it wasn't for the help of everyone involved.

Below: Model Rebecca White

Model Rebecca WhiteModel Rebecca WhiteModel Rebecca White photoshoot in home studio using Canon 5D Mark IV and Profoto lighting

Model Rebecca White wearing Black against black background. Profoto grid creates separates the model from the backgroundBlack on black with Rebecca WhiteModel Rebecca White wearing Black against black background. Profoto grid creates separates the model from the background


Below: Model Rebecca White, Hair by Wedding hair by Tara. I've worked with Tara for many years now. Tara is an award-winning Bridal hairstlist and Finalist of the Essex Wedding Awards.

Model Rebecca White in photoshoot with Phil Jones and Wedding Hair by TaraHair by Tara JohnstonModel Rebecca White in photoshoot with Phil Jones and Wedding Hair by Tara



To start, hairstylist Tara creates infinity braids and a low set bun to create a stylish classic look as model Lucy Allen has a makeover for her shoot. We then created a series of images showcasing Lucy's hairstyle using Profoto lighting, reflectors and shields.

Commercial photography with Tara Johnston and model Lucy AllenWedding Hair by TaraCommercial photography with Tara Johnston and model Lucy Allen

Model Lucy Allen showcases Tara Johnstons infinity braids.Wedding Hair by TaraModel Lucy Allen showcases Tara Johnstons infinity braids.

Tara Johnston, Wedding Hair by Tara, is an award-winning Bridal hairstlist and Finalist of the Essex Wedding Awards.Tara Johnston behind the scenes on photoshootTara Johnston, Wedding Hair by Tara, is an award-winning Bridal hairstlist and Finalist of the Essex Wedding Awards.

Above: Tara Johnston with model Lucy Allen.


While Tara and MUA Clare start work on creating the Geisha look on Rebecca, I shoot a series of stylish portraits of Lucy using Japanese Shibari rope ties, this also gives me to practise the takate kote which is a shibari rope tie which I had been learning to tie with the help of Anatomie Studio in London.


Shibari Photoshoot Takate kote rope tie on female modelShibari PhotoshootShibari Photoshoot Takate kote rope tie on female model

Shibari Photoshoot Takate kote rope tie on female model Lucy AllenShibari Photoshoot Takate kote rope tie on female modelShibari Photoshoot Takate kote rope tie on female model Lucy Allen

Infinity hair braids by Tara Johnston and shibari rope bondage on photoshoot by Phil Jones PhotographyInfinity hair braids and shibari rope bondageInfinity hair braids by Tara Johnston and shibari rope bondage on photoshoot by Phil Jones Photography


I also got creative by using a lampshade to create an unusual effect without having to do any retouching in Photoshop. You can see how this was done by watching the videos at the end of this section.

Shooting through lampshade on this classy Shibari photoshootShooting through lampshade on this classy Shibari photoshootShooting through lampshade on this classy Shibari photoshoot. Infinity hair braids by Tara Johnston and shibari rope bondage on photoshoot by Phil Jones Photography


Once Tara and Clare have finished their stunning transformation turning model Rebecca White into a Japanese Geisha, I get to work testing my camera and 85mm lens.


Geisha themed creative photoshootGeisha themed creative photoshootGeisha themed creative photoshoot


Geisha themed creative photoshoot, shooting through a lampshade creates a unique look to your photographyGeisha themed creative photoshootGeisha themed creative photoshoot, shooting through a lampshade creates a unique look to your photography

Above: Using an 85mm F1.2 lens and shooting through a lampshade to create this on-camera effect. Check out my BTS video below to see how it's done.


Geisha themed creative photoshoot with Katana swordGeisha themed creative photoshoot with Katana swordGeisha themed creative photoshoot with Katana sword


Geisha themed creative photoshoot with model tied with rope using takate kote which is a shibari tieGeisha themed creative photoshoot with model tied with rope using takate kote which is a shibari tieGeisha themed creative photoshoot with model tied with rope using takate kote which is a shibari tie


Again, here are a couple more videos which were mainly filmed by Anna and tell the full story of our shoot.  





Model Test Shoot with Jamila Wardknott


The final test shoot of the year was with model Jamila Wardknott and MUA Michelle Lacey. Jamila contacted me after seeing my work on a Facebook group and was very successful on Instagram with over 100,000 followers. Quite often you hear from photographers, models and makeup artists that they get very nervous before a shoot. Quite often 'creatives' worry about their style of art and feel they aren't good enough. I've also been guilty of this and sometimes those thoughts still pop into my mind. My advice to you would be to ignore those thoughts and like me, keep practising and reaching out to new people. The more people you meet and work with, the more comfortable you become in your art. I guess it's experience. If things don't go according to plan on a shoot, don't panic and try not to stress. Cameras and lighting equipment are complicated bits of kit and because they're mechanical and technical, they can go wrong. None of this happened during our shoot, but my advice is to learn from your mistakes and get to know your kit, which is exactly what I did in 2017.


Model Jamila Wardknott and MUA and hair stylist Michelle Lacey on this home studio photoshootModel Jamila Wardknott and MUA and hair stylist Michelle Lacey on this home studio photoshootModel Jamila Wardknott and MUA and hair stylist Michelle Lacey on this home studio photoshoot

Above: The hairdryer technique! As well as a Makeup artist, Michelle is also a very competent hairstylist.

Model Jamila Wardknott Model Jamila Wardknott Model Jamila Wardknott and MUA and hair stylist Michelle Lacey on this home studio photoshoot. Use a hairdryer to create the wind machine look

Model Jamila Wardknott. If retouching isn't your strength, then commission a professional retoucherHigh End RetouchingModel Jamila Wardknott. If retouching isn't your strength, then commission a professional retoucher

Retouching skin is not my strength. If you're like me then don't panic, there are plenty of retouchers around the world who can help. In this case, I sought the help of Andrey Shchepkin who I have used on a number of my shoots. Prices can vary between a retoucher. Send them your Raw file and they will let you know how much the image retouching will be before they start.

Model Jamila Wardknott. Model Jamila Wardknott. Model Jamila Wardknott wears leather

Testing with models is a great way to improve your skills and gain valuable experienceTest Model PhotoshootTesting with models is a great way to improve your skills and gain valuable experience



I’m sure you would agree I certainly kept myself busy in 2017 and thoroughly enjoyed every shoot. I’m so grateful for the people I have met and for all the support so many have given me. They all know how passionate I am about my work and having the friendship and support of others is so important especially when working alone.


And thank you for taking the time to visit, you can find me on social media at all the usual places so please let me know if any of my chat has helped you in any way.


Instagram philjonesphotography


I don't want you to miss out on the full A Decade in Review blog:

Part One 2010 Click Here 



Instagram Links


Lucy Scarfe Instagram

Emma Frisk Instagram

Grace Parry Instagram

Sian Altman Instagram

Natasha Estdale Instagram

Grace Gray Instagram

Shups Instagram

Lucy Allen Instagram

Beth Smith Instagram

Andrea Vasiliou Instagram

Ella Walker Instagram

Evie Walker Instagram

Anna Noctuelle Instagram

Rebecca White Instagram

Clare Bradshaw Twitter

Tara Johnston Instagram

Anouska Watts Instagram

Jamila Wardknott Instagram

Michelle Lacey Instagram









Michelle C Lloyd(non-registered)
cool one
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